i grew out of fairy tales

no, mom, i don’t want to date boys. i just want to make them all wish they were dating me.




when you meet your favorite actor by chance because he stumbles drunk into your hotel elevator at eleven in the morning 🙌

also i feel it should be noted that when i told him guardians was my favorite movie he actually pulled some starlord dance moves out for a hot second 😂

i keep seeing people reblogging this with things like oh haha classic oliver but am i the only one concerned about why he was drunk by himself that early on in the day?  

ok so apparently my picture/post created a big uproar and i keep seeing it reblogged with things like this cause i mentioned him being drunk? so i just wanted to clear up the fact that oliver was nothing but perfectly sweet to me and the attention y'all are giving this is ridiculous. i mean the guy actually insisted we take two pictures because he blinked in the first one, so he wasn’t wasted to a degree that seems to be becoming somehow accepted as fact. no he wasn’t slurring, no he wasn’t inappropriate (god like i wouldn’t have led with HOLY SHIT I GOT HIT ON BY OLIVER COBB), no he didn’t seem sad, no he didn’t pass out in the middle of the elevator or whatever the hell else you guys think happened. you don’t know where he was before he got into the elevator anymore than i do and messaging me asking me a billion questions so you can do a psychoanalysis of his mental state of the thirty second exchange i had with him is something i have no interest in doing. y'all took the best elevator ride of my life and made it a headache. it was the weekend after thanksgiving and he was on vacation, chill out and let him live his life
